The purpose of this nonprofit volunteer organization is to promote, enhance, & support the services, resources, & programs of the Holly Township Library & to serve as an additional connecting link in interpreting the Library & the Holly Community to each other.
The Friends help promote the library within the community - Holly Township, the Village of Holly, Groveland Township, & Rose Township. The Friends sponsor Library programs for Adults, Teens and Children such as author' talks, children's activities, community programs, & fund-raising events.
Your membership dues & contributions help support your library. Be active! Volunteer your time!
Can't make the meetings? No worries, you can still help with used book sales or events.
Pick up a brochure and application at the library or download from the link below. Return with your $10 dues to the library staff and someone from the Friends will contact you. NOTE: The membership year is from September through August and the first year's dues are not prorated.
Joining the Friends will bring you a sense of satisfaction knowing you are helping your community improve through the growth & development of your library.
The Friends of the Library accept book donations in saleable condition
typically the last Saturday of the month, 10 am to Noon. Check the website for upcoming collection dates.
PLEASE no moldy, smelly, or torn materials.
Books only, no other items accepted.
Thank you for your donations.
Please email us at:
Copyright © 2025 Holly Township Library - All Rights Reserved.