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Michigan Electronic Library
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The Holly Township Library has established a social media presence in order
to inform the community about programs, events and materials available at the
library. Libraries are considered limited public forums. The library’s social media sites
are by extension also considered limited public forums. Postings which the
authorized library staff deem inconsistent with this policy, may be removed in whole
or in part without prior notice. The Library reserves the right to terminate accounts,
ban or block users who have posted in violation of this policy. Users may report
violations of this social media policy to the Library Director at
By joining, utilizing and/or posting on the Library’s social media sites, you
agree to comply with this policy. By posting on the Library’s social media sites, you
give the Library permission to use your name, profile picture, and the content of any
posting you make without compensation to you or liability on the part of the Library.
This permission ends when you delete your posting. The Library is not responsible or
liable for the content of postings by third parties on any Library sponsored social
media site, and postings do not reflect the opinions of the Holly Township Library, its
employees, or its Board of Trustees.
Patron policy (pdf)
Download1116 North Saginaw Street, Holly, Michigan 48442, United States
Open today | 09:00 am – 05:00 pm |